You’re My New Favorite People!

You’re my new favorite people. I actually smiled the entire time I was listening. Thanks again for having me. It was a lot of fun chatting. – It’s Kimmunity approved!

Really Great Craiglist Founder Episode!

I listened to the Craigslist’s episode on the way home and was so impressed by Craig’s openness to share about his growth to becoming a better person. Great episode!

Jorge’s Family Reviews Are In!

Oldest Sister: “Oh wow, Jorge. I’m watching now! I loved that they could pronounce your name properly. Both ladies are cute and smart.” Btw I’m following their podcasts now because I loved it. ”

Meet the Candidates

Thank you for providing the opportunity to listen to mtc candidates. It’s been very helpful and informative about the candidates and their positions (and ability/lack of ability to articulate them)

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